We need you! The country is facing a critical healthcare workforce shortage. Long-term services and supports (LTSS) employers nationwide need immediate assistance filling roles to support people remaining safe and healthy. Be part of the solution, create an account, find jobs, and receive access to training and resources for LTSS employers at Direct Care Careers.
If you are an employer of supports and services for people who are older or living with a disability, create an account here. Assign trainings to your staff and stay connected to a pool of candidates and workers looking to develop and connect to positions and roles.
What is Direct Care Careers?
Direct Care Careers is a free, national website that provides individuals (1) access to jobs with potential employers, (2) access to resources to develop their skills, and (3) access to trainings to increase competence. The job matching tool uses a matching algorithm to pair licensed and/or trained workers with healthcare and LTSS employers that need their specific skills. This website was created by ADvancing States and Altarum, in partnership with participating States/Territories.
States and Territories have the ability to manage which employers are included on the website and other aspects participation in Direct Care Careers. If you are a state or territory, and interested in participating in Direct Care Careers, please complete the following interest form here https://www.advancingstates.org/initiatives/direct-care-careers/advancing-states-information-sign.
Or Contact Us
ADvancing States
Address: 241 18th Street South, Suite 403, Arlington, VA 22202
Phone: (202) 898-2578
Email: directcarecareers@advancingstates.org